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Raina’s Blog: What’s in the Box?

I’m a big fan of the monthly delivery subscriptions that drop off packages of samples and things to try. I had an ipsy subscription for about a year; I’ve debated signing up for monthly book clubs, and now I just can’t get the idea of a quarterly Hello Kitty box coming to my house out of my head. I’m dying to get this box.

Hello Kitty is a big part of my life, and is in many of my memories. My mom filled my entire life with Hello Kitty, and I love it so much. (Some backstory: she’s from SoCal, and it was big over there, but it took years before anyone in Wisconsin ever heard of it. She says she was one of the first people here with HK stuff.) My mother is also the one who got me into stationery and writing letters—decorating paper with stickers, writing with the sweetest Hello Kitty pens in the world. In fifth or sixth grade , I owned a purple three-ring Trapper Keeper with my name embroidered on it. The pencil case inside had nothing but the best Hello Kitty supplies.

My mom and I are very close. I was born on her 20th birthday, we both have strong, stubborn personalities, and we are both happy people.  I want to get her this box because I love her, and I know she’d love everything inside. I haven’t watched the unboxing video on the website because I don’t want to spoil it for myself. I know there are Hello Kitty pens, shirts, paper and stickers inside—the stuff she and I go crazy for! I know I’ll eventually cave and get us each one (so we can swap and share), but right now I’m ripping my hair out over how cute this Hello Kitty stuff is!

It feels great doing things to make other people feel loved. I love my mom!

While we’re talking about delivery boxes and subscription services: I used ipsy for about a year, and it helped me find makeup and brands that were affordable and practical. Lanette uses StitchFix to find new clothes and styles, and it seems like a pretty decent service, if you can afford it. (I can’t! But I’d love to!) I’m also on the hunt for good food delivery services—things that would help me learn how to cook and how to use vegetables. I’m the worst cook in the world!

If there are any services you use or would suggest to a friend, don’t hesitate to pass them along to me! I’d love to hear all about what you use and how you like it.

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